
Buku ajar ppkn kelas xi kurikulum 2013 semester 2
Buku ajar ppkn kelas xi kurikulum 2013 semester 2

buku ajar ppkn kelas xi kurikulum 2013 semester 2

The Covid-19 pandemic that has hit the world, including Indonesia, requires taking a stand in preventing wider transmission, including the education sector. The learning process in schools during the Covid-19 pandemic had many problems to face. Based on the analysis using an appreciative inquiry approach, it is concluded that several face-to-face learning models are limited at SMAN 1 Pusakanagara, including direct practice learning models, project-based learning models, problem-based learning models, and inquiry learning models. The stages of appreciative inquiry are defined, discovery, dream, design, and destiny or delivery. The period of this research is September to December 2021. The data was obtained through a questionnaire distributed via a google form, then reduced and analyzed. This study involved 369 respondents from a total population of 1,080 respondents by taking samples of three groups (study groups) at each level. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method with an appreciative inquiry approach that will reveal a limited face-to-face learning model that is following the characteristics of students at SMAN 1 Pusakanagara. One of the steps that can be taken is to use an appreciative inquiry approach to find a learning model that remains limited to face-to-face learning. The teacher's adaptive attitude in terms of pedagogy and professionalism is needed as a solution. Therefore, a proactive effort is needed to answer the challenges in limited face-to-face learning.

buku ajar ppkn kelas xi kurikulum 2013 semester 2

As a learning model that has just been implemented, of course, there will be many obstacles faced theoretically and technically. This research is intended as a response to limited face-to-face learning which is a new model in the learning system, this is intended as a reaction in preventing the transmission of COVID-19.

Buku ajar ppkn kelas xi kurikulum 2013 semester 2